Tuesday 3 August 2010

Metrolink extensions confirmed

Manchester has confirmed that three Metrolink extensions will go ahead. The extensions will see the system running to Oldham, Rochdale town centres by spring 2014 and Manchester Airport by mid 2016.

The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) confirmed funding of £0.5 billion from the Greater Manchester Transport Fund to deliver the three new tram lines.

Chair of the AGMA Executive, Lord Peter Smithsaid: “Public transport has a crucial part to play in supporting Greater Manchester's economy and these Metrolink extensions will give a huge boost to the region. I am delighted that these vital projects can now go ahead. These new Metrolink lines in particular will also be the catalyst for regeneration in several areas, so the announcement is great news.”

Manchester Airports Group has also agreed to provide a contribution to funding for the Airport line.

Chief Executive of the Manchester Airports Group, Geoff Muirhead said: “We are delighted at this news, and have been long standing supporters of the Metrolink extension since it was first proposed. We have consistently maintained that support and are pleased to see it coming to fruition, as it will make us one of the most accessible destinations in the region.

14 new trams will be ordered to serve the extensions to Manchester Airport and Oldham and Rochdale town centres. The total number of new trams for Manchester’s expanded Metrolink is 62.

For much more detail and a list of the stations see LRTA.org's pages on the Oldham and Rochdale extensions and the spur taking the tram out to the Airport via Chorlton and Wythenshawe